Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Really, really bad logic!


It has come to my attention that our illustrious institutions that we attended on both the undergraduate and graduate levels are organically and genetically linked to the emerging church...

On this website:

You find a link to this school:




Jason Stamper said...


I noticed that BJ was on the list. In one sense, the link is ironic. In another sense, it was not so long ago that this observation would have been like a match to dynamite. Incidentally, check out the faculty at Mars Hill. The primary (I think) theology guy writes that he is not sure where he is at. Just the kind of place I want to go for direction.

CWatson said...


Mars Hill was the last institution at which Grenz taught before he died...That may help you in where they are at.

Jason Stamper said...

I thought that Grenz was there. I didn't realize it was his last position.